

I am Brigitte Perez aka Bibi. I have been a licensed Esthetician since 1999. The skincare game has come a long way since then and I have been fortunate to work in all areas of this amazing field. I specialize in advanced skin treatments. I developed an expertise in Brazilian & Eyebrow Waxing since 2012 and I am a part time Trainer for the US franchise: European Wax Center.

In the last 12 years I discovered and have become educated in my other passion ; Alternative medicine, nutrition, energy healing & spirituality. I am Certified in Fitness Nutrition, Meditation & Mindfulness Coaching, EFT Tapping, and more recently a Reiki Level 3 Practitioner. I am a self-proclaimed Ambassador and devotee of the Law of Attraction, a proud eternal optimist (since 2008 whoo hoo!).
You can always catch me reading, listening to or just carrying books on spirituality, and metaphysics & transformational non-fiction! (Gaia Online is my netflix )

“The best part about what I do, is working with people one on one and developing genuine, trusting relationships. Many of my clients have become good friends”

Brigitte (Bibi ) Perez


These practices and beliefs each found their way into my life as it was meant to be, one-by-one, healing from many common issues and manifesting many desires (big and small ). I have encouraged and eventually helped others along the way simply by suggesting alternative and preventative treatments and developing an optimistic and open mindset.

Aura Esthetics was established in 2020 after unintentionally developing a small private line of unique functional skin products made with Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils. I can’t keep some of them on the shelves. EO’s are so beneficial, healing and have many uses. I incorporate oils in every aspect of my business and my life, and I encourage everyone do the same. Healing crystals and gemstones have also become my BFFs and they are an integral part of Energy Healing practices and an excellent tool for Meditation practice.

I am “over- the- moon” to have re-vamped Aura Skincare to incorporate these modalities, rituals and natural ingredients that have been around and healing people for hundreds and thousands of years and are now quickly becoming mainstream!!

the best Skin Care advice I can give and treatment I can provide is about beauty from the inside out. Water intake is everything, nutrition and overall wellness is the foundation to great skin and a happy life!!

Be Well & Good Vibes Only!


Questions? Feel free to reach out anytime


Call 954-749-3033 or Text 954-249-6643